Beautiful and well-located!
Functional and sufficient for every need

The Community Church of Douglaston is blessed with a beautiful and well-located facility. The sanctuary, built in 1924, and attached education building, built in 1951, are in an elegant, understated Georgian style. The church itself was founded in 1915 and affiliated with the RCA in 1919. 

The Sanctuary

Our sanctuary is graced by four porch columns and oculus at its western entry and an affecting stained glass image of the Good Shepherd at the eastern end above the chancel. The interior is a jewel-like space, brightened in daytime by eight large windows in the nave recently redone with lightly-tinted glass, and splendid at night in tones of white and burgundy. It is air-conditioned in the summer months.

Internet Access

Internet is accessible throughout the whole facility, after a recent upgrade that included numerous wireless access points throughout the building.

The Education Building

The education building, two stories high, provides for a number of church functions. It houses on the upper floor the pastor’s study and church office, along with a newly renovated Nursery and an additional study; the library; a beautiful small chapel, with stained-glass windows and organ, used for Ash Wednesday and other special services; the Jean Kenney Memorial parlor, equipped with grand piano, air-conditioned in summer, and beautifully furnished for fellowship, rehearsals and concerts, meetings and lectures; kitchen and small dining room adjacent to the parlor; music room and rest rooms.

Lower Floor

The Fellowship Hall, a large general-purpose space for meetings and performances, is equipped with a small stage at one end and a large kitchen with direct access to outdoors.
There are several classrooms and meeting rooms downstairs that are rented out to an after-school program and pre-k, with rest rooms.

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