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I See You

It is only a matter of weeks before the next general election. For the next four weeks leading up to the election, Pastor Albert will be doing a series called, I See You.

God creates, knows, loves, and sees all of us in our full humanity. But as people, we can fall into the habit of assuming everyone is the same or everyone is like us. While we share a common humanity, these assumptions can be harmful and prevent us from truly seeing other people and listening to their perspectives.

By looking at Biblical stories, this series will help us learn how to listen to, respect, affirm, and act for and with others, regardless of what political party we belong to. In doing so, we can also come to know God even more fully.

October 13 - Hearing Other Voices

Scripture: Mark 10:46-52  

We can be so busy on our mission that we stop listening. Yet, as Christians, we cannot fully engage in our mission without taking the time to hear the voices on the side of the road.

October 20 -  Sisters Are Doing it for Themselves

Scripture: Numbers 27:1-11

It is important that we listen to the voices on the margins. However, it is not enough to just listen. We must also act.

October 27 - R.E.S.P.E.C.T. 

Scripture: Deuteronomy 10:14-22 

Last week we talked about listening and then being compelled to act. As followers of God, our action must always be based on God’s view of the stranger and how God calls us to love them.

November 3 - Diverse People, One Vision

Scripture: Revelation 7:9-17

We cannot truly listen to, act or love all of God’s children if we do not also affirm how God sees all of us. And through affirming one another in all our fullness, God becomes more fully revealed to and known by us.