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Annual Outdoor Service

Harry Truman said, “You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog.”

On Sunday, September 29, CCD gathered on the front lawn for the annual blessing of the animals worship service. The weather didn't completely cooperate, and even though the service ended while a light mist rain was falling and the coffee hour had to be moved indoors, it was another special occasion for all who attended. We are grateful to God for his blessings and for the animals that bring so much joy to our existence.

The following responsive reading was used during the service:

Responsive Reading

L: Creator God, you have made a beautiful world filled with wonder and surprises! We adore you.

P: Creator God who has gifted us with the blessing of animals, those in the wild, those on farms, those in our own homes. We adore you.

L: Creator God, you brought into being that which we could not imagine for ourselves, life we cannot see without the aid of microscopes, animals we can only see in pictures from remote regions of this planet earth.

P: We thank you for abundant life; for the birds we hear in the morning, for the drone of the bees when we are outside, for the vast tapestry of life which is interwoven.

L: We thank you for the gift of our own animal companions; For the joy they bring us.

P: For the unconditional love and forgiveness which teaches us about you;

L: For the benefits they are to our health-and to our Spirit.

P: We give you thanks.