he purpose of the workshop is to experience varied ways to connect with God. While quiet times of prayer and Bible reading are important ways to deepen our faith, our minds can often wander during these passive methods. Giving God the full attention and focus He deserves is a way to love Him more fully – to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our strength.
After decades of teaching children and young adults, ranging from preschool through the college level, Linda came to realize that the research-based, proven-effective learning methods used in the academic classroom—are NOT widely used in our spiritual learning. The workshop aims to bring spiritual learning methods into the 21st century, -- acknowledging that we can achieve a closer and more meaningful relationship with God by using more individualized and engaging spiritual practices.
Three proven-effective methods of connecting to God, based on 3 different books, will be utilized: a written exercise, a hands-on creative exercise, and a movement exercise. Feedback from previous workshops indicate that besides relating to God more deeply, an additional positive outcome of the workshop is the powerful sharing and connection that occurs between participants.